Alocasia reginula "Black velvet"Background Alocasia reginula, also known as black velvet, is a flowering plant in the Araceae family that is native to Malaysia's Sabah state. Originally described from cultivation and frequently listed as Alocasia 'Black Velvet', as if it were a cultivar or hybrid, it has since...
- 常规价格
- Rp 200.000,00
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- 促销价
- Rp 200.000,00
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Amydrium humileBackground The genus Amydrium, which was first described as a genera and species in 1863, was later defined as a member of the Monsteroideae tribe and as having a unique trait from many other genera. Having two ovules in each ovary makes them the...
- 常规价格
- Rp 150.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 150.000,00
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Amydrium magnificum "Silvery Ann"Background Amydrium magnificum is stated in science to be a synonym of Amydrium zippelianum, which occur to be different as Papua New Guinea specimen T. B. Croat published in 1982 Aroideana. This specimen is a native Sulawesi Island. Appear with vibrant glaucous lamina and...
- 常规价格
- Rp 150.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 150.000,00
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Amydrium medium "Silver" variegataAmydrium medium Silver variegata is a vibrant specimen. Spread from Borneo, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar. With silver blue glaucous surface and spread of variegated colors.Vigorous climber of exotic rainforest. Completing the exotics corner as your favourite ornamental indoor plants. Origin : Borneo, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia,...
- 常规价格
- Rp 530.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 530.000,00
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Amydrium medium sp. SulawesiBackground Amydrium medium is species of flowering herbaceous liane in the Araceae family. Occasionally grown on the jungle floor as germinanted seed that sprouted from the mother plant living on the near by tree host. Mostly available on the low land area, but here...
- 常规价格
- Rp 150.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 150.000,00
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Amydrium medium sp. SumateraBackground Amydrium medium is herbaceous climber that spend most of the time of its life living as a liane evergreen on the tree host. Can be found at Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Maluku, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak), Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand. What...
- 常规价格
- Rp 170.000,00
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- 促销价
- Rp 170.000,00
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Amydrium medium spp. variegata "glaucous form"Background Amydrium medium is a herbaceous climber that spends the majority of its life on the tree host as a liane evergreen. can be found in Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia (Peninsular, Sabah, Sarawak), Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Maluku, Sumatra), and Malaysia. What we...
- 常规价格
- Rp 750.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 750.000,00
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Amydrium medium spp. West Java "Salaka"Background Araceae is a family of flowering plants that includes the species Amydrium medium. Appear with a interesting reticulated leaf surface, pinnately lobed edge, and occasionally fenestrated on the midrib side. A herbaceous climber that develops in its juvenile stage differently from what is...
- 常规价格
- Rp 200.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 200.000,00
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Amydrium sp. SulawesiWater Water well on dry/summer every 5 days, please wait until top 3inches soil are dry. Once the watering habit are established for maximum grows, this plant can thrive for very long time. Wait for longer gap between watering in winter as most of...
- 常规价格
- Rp 150.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 150.000,00
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Anadendrum cordatumBackground Anadendron or later known as Anadendrum are genera with 15 accepted species. First published in 1864 Annales Musei a Latin-Dutch botanical book. Anadendrum cordatum was documented by H. W. Schott, a well-known Austrian botanist, with the help of P. W. Khortals, a Dutch...
- 常规价格
- Rp 75.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 75.000,00
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Anadendrum latifolium variegataBackground An uncommon blooming plant in the Araceae family, Anadendrum latifolium, is available for purchase. At Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, Jawa, Laos, Malaya, Nicobar Island, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, and Vietnam, they can be found in their natural habitat between 100 and 300 m asl....
- 常规价格
- Rp 2.500.000,00
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- 促销价
- Rp 2.500.000,00
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Anthurium browniiBackground From Costa Rica to Colombia, at elevations ranging from almost sea level to 1,200 m, the species has been observed. The species can be found in tropical and premontane wet forests in Costa Rica. It also occurs rarely in Panama's tropical and premontane...
- 常规价格
- Rp 100.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 100.000,00
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Anthurium clarinerviumWater Water well on dry/summer every 5 days, please wait until top 3inches soil are dry. Once the watering habit are established for maximum grows, this plant can thrive for very long time. Wait for longer gap between watering in winter as most of...
- 常规价格
- Rp 300.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 300.000,00
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Anthurium clarinervium xBackground Anthurium clarinervium can be found naturally in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. In his essay A Revision of the Genus Anthurium (Araceae) of Mexico and Central America, Dr. Tom Croat of the Missouri Botanical Garden claims that the plant is native to...
- 常规价格
- Rp 400.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 400.000,00
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Anthurium clidemioidesBackground This species has been found in tropical wet forests between sea level and 800 meters elevation in the Atlantic and Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica.Due to its bullate leaves and almost complete lack of a peduncle, Anthurium clidemioides is classified in the Polyphyllium...
- 常规价格
- Rp 400.000,00
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- 促销价
- Rp 400.000,00
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Anthurium crystalinum "Minahasa"Background A. crystalinum is native to Colombia and it's considered extinct on it's natural habitat. With the coming of age, this specimen we have found wild on North Sulawesi without exact location. Distinct by it's buffy and thick leaves, darken velvety surface with broader...
- 常规价格
- Rp 400.000,00
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- 促销价
- Rp 400.000,00
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Anthurium forgettiiBackground This specimen is from the Cardiolonchium division, which is distinguished by its velvety leaf blade upper. Anthurium forgetii is claimed to be found solely in Colombia, a South American country. The absence of a sinus hole at the top of the leaf blade...
- 常规价格
- 来自 Rp 450.000,00
- 常规价格
Rp 33,00 - 促销价
- 来自 Rp 450.000,00
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Anthurium hookeri yellow variegataBackground French Guiana, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Windward Is., is it's natural geographical location ever recorded. Being the Bird's Nest Anthurium queen of the crown, flocking it's leaves wide when matured. This specimen come with highly yellow variegatation. Care Guide...
- 常规价格
- Rp 1.250.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 1.250.000,00
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Anthurium jenmanii variegataBackground Native to North Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad-Tobago and Venezuela, this specimen has been in local Indonesian rotation of variegated specimen. We've tried our best to locate and document respectable local hybriders around Java. Proudly presenting one of the prettiest thick leaves...
- 常规价格
- Rp 800.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 800.000,00
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Anthurium luxurians 'Ecuadorian type'Background Anthurium luxurians is a unique specimen under Cardiolonchium section. Amongs many other bullate leaves Anthurium specimens the A. luxurians considered rare in its natural habitat. Very sturdy Anthurium in hot and cool area, Anthurium luxurians is one of a kind addition to your...
- 常规价格
- Rp 4.000.000,00
- 常规价格
- 促销价
- Rp 4.000.000,00
- 单价
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